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- Written by: AndyDJ
- Category: Blog
- Hits: 952

We have a stand at Makers Central on 30 April - 1 May!
We are delighted to announce that we have been offered a stand at this prestigious event at the Birmingham NEC!
It's now full steam ahead as the trustees get everything ready - we have ambitious plans, and not a lot of time to get it organised.: getting flyers and banners printed; working out the logistics and sourcing stock and freebies; filling out lots of paperwork and getting exhibitors' insurance etc.
We're planning to run out-reach and fund-raising activities such as the following:
- Social media and mailing list sign-ups
- Survey of makers and their needs/wants
- Fund-raising:
- Custom art-work motivational poster
- Techie tombola or lucky dip
- Items for sale, e.g. filament, electronics
- Fun activities
- Simple electronics or mechanical builds
We desperately need donations of things for our fund-raising activities, or if you'd like to help out in any way, we'd be most appreciative! Please Contact us and we'll find you something to do!