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- Written by: Andy D'Arcy Jewell
- Category: Blog
- Hits: 1058

Park Street progress report - painting, flooring, electric and internet
Things are starting to come together nicely at Park Street! The trustees and volunteers have been hard at work decorating and fitting the space out!
The front rooms have now had a couple of coats and look much brighter and cleaner now. Still a few touch ups to do here and there, but it's mostly finished!
The flooring laminate for the "Clean Zone" and "Locker Zone" have now been delivered, and we had the bare floor scraped and sealed a couple of weeks ago. We are hoping to get the flooring down in the next couple of weeks.
The landlord's electrician has now reconnected the electricity feed, and so the lights are now on, and we have power in the front rooms, with the back rooms to be commissioned in the next few days.
Our trustee Paul has been hard at work setting up our network - wifi and wired - now that we have had the broadband feed commissioned. This means we will now be able to start holding hybrid online/physical meetings at the space. Some security cameras are currently being added to the system, to keep the space safe and secure.