- Details
- Written by: Paul
- Category: Blog
- Hits: 1029

Oh wow - we haven't had a blog entry since forever - over a year. This might as well be a differnet universe. SO MUCH has happened. Time to put that right!
The past year and a half has been testing to say the least, with Brexit and a global pandemic to deal with. The first half of 2021 was quiet, makerspace-wise; most of our activities were taking place online or at home, because it was either not allowed, or impractical to meet in person, and people were understandably hesitant to venture out to places where lots of people might be gathering. Amazingly, though, we did get stuff done.
- We had a rather successful fundraiser to get xmas presents for underprivileged children
- Links were made with Telford Priory School to support the 3D printer Adam donated to them
- Andy made a batch of reusable crates for the XR xmas toy swap
- A new logo was designed, and the web-site was updated to a new theme
- Lots of paperwork and admin work was completed
- Andy made an "A" board for Transition Telford
- We appointed two new trustees, Adam Willoughby and Paul Jenkinson
- We organised and ran a stall at the Belfrey Summer Fair (at very short notice, too)
- The electronic door sign was updated to run on a Raspberry Pi
- Thomas A did a fine job tidying and classifying surplus materials, and some of it was put up on Freegle, or disposed of at the recycling centre
- The main room was cleaned and tidied up so that the theatre group would be able to use it again
- A door open/close alert function was added to the door sign to alert if the door is accidentally left unlocked
- Our laser cutter got a tune-up
- Emily designed and built a 5G wifi hotspot, which we will have up and running soon
- Adam is building an Iron Santa outfit for our hospital presents fundraiser
- Paul bought us a lovely red utility cart to put the presents in
- Emily has designed and built a mini robotette, named "Bob" to pull the present cart
- We've had a lot new members join
- We have plans for lots of events in the new year
There's likely stuff we've forgotten, but you get the picture. If you think of something we've missed, let us know via any of the channels on our Contact Us page.
Upcoming Events
We're still busy planning and making, to cap the year off in style!
- Wellington Market outreach stall on the market's November late night opening event
- Fundraiser for xmas presents
- Diversity policy to make it clearer that we are LGBQT+ and Neurodiverse friendly
- New leaflets featuring our new logo and style
- Iron Santa will be delivering xmas presents to the two local hospitals, in conjunction with Cash Providers