- Details
- Written by: Andy D'Arcy Jewell
- Category: Blog
- Hits: 1017

2022 AGM announcement
We're holding our AGM on January 25th 2022 at 7pm.
Unfortunately, due to a roof leak, we are unable to accommodate in-person attendence.
To attend in person, please come to the space at the back of the Belfrey Theatre, but remember that we might have additional COVID restrictions in place by then, so please check back here for details.
- Past:
- Projects we have worked on
- Talks with companies/sponsorship
- Finances, etc.
- Future:
- Fund-raiser for new space
- Workshops we want to run
- Infrastructure projects
- Targets for the year ahead, etc.
- Any Other Business
- Inventory and clean-out
- Fundraising
- Submit accounts to Charity Commission
- Mature membership structure and keep attendance records
- Increase our commercial outreach sponsorship opportunities
If you would like to add a topic, please email
Hope to see you there or on Discord!