Welcome to Telford Makerspace
We are currently looking for new premises. You can follow our progress on the following social media channels:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/278674662563024
Discord - https://discord.com/invite/espCmDZ
About Telford Makerspace
Telford Makerspace is a community run group for makers, tinkerers, fixers and artists. We help each other on a variety of technology projects. There are various tools and equipment available for everybody to use, with more being added all the time. You don't have to have any particular skills or experience to come along - just enthusiasm and a willingness to join in and give it a go.
You can pay £3 for a session (evening or half day on Saturday) or £20 a month to become a member and attend any sessions you want.
We are always looking for volunteers for a variety or roles ranging from cleaning to social media and running sessions.If you'd like to volunteer, or donate, please get in touch via any of the methods on our Contact us page!
Please use the following channels for any questions:
- Discord - send a direct message to one of our trustees - Adam, Claire, Glyn or Paul - on our Discord server
- Email - send an email to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Facebook - facebook.com/groups/telfordmakerspace
Hope to see you soon.